Dust,Fume & Filteration Solutions
Pollution System Maintenance
Unit 7 12-20 James Court Tottenham 3012
PH: (03) 8386 9154
M: 0408 343 993
E: info@pollutionsystems.com.au

Our Products

Pollution Systems provide repair and preventative maintenance replacement parts, including filter media. For more information, please select from the following catagories.

Filter Media

Filters come in all shapes and sizes. They are made from diverse ranges of materials to cater for different environments. Solution Systems Maintenance can supply for all types of filter media. Below are some of the filter media we can provide.


Diaphragm Values are used to control the Baghouse cleaning mechanism (e.g. Pulse-Jet) along with other Dust Collector functions. Diaphragm Valves are valuable components in any Dust Collection System. Pollution Systems stock and supply a large range of diaphragm valves.


Diaphragm Values are used to control the Baghouse cleaning mechanism (e.g. Pulse-Jet) along with other Dust Collector functions. Diaphragm Valves are valuable components in any Dust Collection System. Pollution Systems stock and supply a large range of diaphragm valves.

Bag Houses

Are you looking for a reliable business that can provide a quality baghouse service? Melbourne customers can rely on Pollutions Systems for professional baghouse repair and preventative maintenance.

Soleniods & Coils

Solenoids activate the diaphragm valves. They act like a switch, but control air. When the solenoid is powered by the control board the valve opens and passes air which in turn opens the diaphragm. Solenoids are the most troublesome part of a cleaning system.


Baghouse controllers play a vital part in the the effectiveness of your dust collectors ability to filter particles from the air. Pollution systems Maintenance (PSM) offer a wide range of controller boards to facilitate the functions required to keep your bag house working at optimum.